The Ahn family would like to thank everyone for all the love, support, and prayers sent our way! Dale's recovery thus far has been a slow one, but only possible with the care from the doctors, wonderful nurses, friends & family he has been surrounded by.
I know a lot of you have been itching to see Dale, we would like to have that long awaited itch scratched for you :) --> sorry if my humor has been compromised from the lack of interaction with the outside world. Dale misses you right back and would like to see you, but we ask that you contact (email/text) Lisa or me beforehand with the date and approximate time you'd like to come by. This way we can schedule around the nurses checkups, doctors visits, etc.
Dale has had a tracheotomy done. Temporarily he is unable to speak -- he is however able to smile, batt his pretty eyes, and mouth out what he want's to say. This is where your lip-reading skills come in handy.
Contact Lisa or me in regards to visits:
Lisa (
Ruby (, 646.220.2497)
- Ruby
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