Sunday, November 4, 2012

Fundraising Benefit!

Dear friends and family,

Please join us! Lisa and I have planned a comedy fundraising benefit, 'Stand up for a Cure', in honor of those who face spinal cord injuries.

Our goal of $10,000 is fundraising will directly benefit an amazing organization, The Christopher and Dana Reeve Foundation, which continues to advocate on behalf of those individuals who face paralysis. In addition, a portion of the funds will go towards purchasing a much needed wheelchair accessible van for Dale.

To reach our extended network of friends and family who can't make it, we plan to live stream the event via Youtube and Google+ Hangout. We will update you on this progress as the event day approaches.


Must be 21+
General admission: $37
General Admission + Open bar: $50

* Due to limited space, if you'd like to attend, please register ASAP.

If you have specific accessibility requirements, or any other questions please email us at"

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